Carrie Summary

Stephen King, Classic, Fiction, Ghost, Horror, Literature, Occult, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller


Published: 5, April 1974
Author: Stephen King
Genre: Classic, Fiction, Ghost, Horror, Literature, Occult, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller

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Carietta "Carrie" White is a 16-year-old girl in the Maine community of Chamberlain in 1979 who is mocked for her drab look and odd religious beliefs fostered by her tyrannical mother, Margaret

Carrie gets her first period one day while showering in the ladies' locker room after physical education class. 

Carrie is afraid since she has no concept of menstruation because her mother, who despises everything intimate, has never told her about it. 

While Carrie fears she is dying, her classmates ridicule her and hurl tampons and sanitary napkins at her, headed by an affluent, popular girl called Chris Hargensen

Rita Desjardin, the gym instructor, assists Carrie in cleaning up and attempts to explain. 

Carrie practices her odd ability to control items from a distance on the walk home. She only remembers utilizing this talent once, when she was three years old, and caused stones to fall from the sky near her house. 

When Carrie returns home, Margaret accuses her of wrongdoing and confines her in a closet so she may pray.

The next day, Desjardin chastises the girls who tormented Carrie and assigns them a week of detention; Chris refuses to leave and is punished by suspension and exclusion from the prom. 

Chris vows to get vengeance on Carrie after a failed attempt to regain her rights through her impactful father. 

Sue Snell, another popular girl who teased Carrie in the locker room, is embarrassed by her actions and persuades her boyfriend, Tommy Ross, to invite Carrie to the prom instead. 

Carrie is skeptical but accepts and begins preparing a prom outfit for herself. Meanwhile, Chris convinces her boyfriend Billy Nolan and his crew of boys to acquire two buckets of pig blood in preparation for rigging the prom queen contest in Carrie's favor.

Carrie's prom goes well at first: Tommy's classmates are welcoming, and Tommy discovers that he is drawn to Carrie as a friend. 

Chris's plot to rig the election works and Carrie and Tommy are crowned prom queen and king. However, right before the coronation, Chris comes in from the outside and pours pig blood over Carrie and Tommy's heads. 

Tommy gets knocked out by one of the buckets and dies as a result of severe blood loss. The audience laughs as they see Carrie bathed in blood. Carrie storms out of the building, embarrassed.

Carrie recalls her telekinesis and resolves to get vengeance on her tormentors. Using her abilities, she totally closes the gym, triggers the sprinkler system, electrocuting several of her classmates unwittingly, and starts a fire that finally ignites the school's fuel tanks, resulting in a catastrophic explosion that destroys the building. 

Electric shock, fire, or smoke kills anyone present at the prom. Carrie, in a fit of wrath, thwarts any approaching firefighting attempt by opening the hydrants near the school, then smashes gas stations and breaks power lines on her way home. 

Her telekinetic talents are unleashed on the town, demolishing multiple buildings and killing hundreds of people. As she does so, she sends out a telepathic message, informing everyone in town that the devastation was caused by her, even if they don't know who she is.

Carrie goes back home to confront Margaret, who believes Carrie has been possessed by Satan and must be slain. 

Margaret informs her that her pregnancy was perhaps the product of marital rape. Carrie murders her by mentally stopping her heart after she stabs her in the shoulder with a kitchen knife. 

Carrie, mortally wounded, travels to the roadhouse where she was conceived. She notices Chris and Billy departing after learning about the devastation from one of Billy's schoolmates. 

After Billy tries to run Carrie over, she mentally takes control of his car and drives it into a wall, killing both Billy and Chris.

Sue, who has been following Carrie's "broadcast," discovers her lying in the parking lot, bleeding from the knife wound. 

They had a brief telepathic discussion. Carrie had assumed that Sue and Tommy had set her up for the prank, but she now sees that Sue is innocent and has never harbored any ill will against her. She forgives Sue and then passes away, mourning her mother.

A state of emergency is announced, and the survivors begin arrangements to move. Despite the government's commitment of funds for restoring worker neighborhoods, Chamberlain predicts desolation. 

Desjardin and the school's principal blame themselves for what transpired and resign from teaching. 

Sue writes and publishes a book based on her experiences. A "White Committee" investigation on paranormal talents indicates that there are and will be others like Carrie

An Appalachian lady eagerly writes to her sister about her young daughter's telekinetic skills and recalls their grandmother, who possessed comparable abilities.

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